SP-142IL Dark Green
SP-142IL Dark Green
SP-142IL Dark Green
SP-142IL Dark Green
SP-142IL Dark Green
SP-142IL Dark Green
SP-142IL Dark Green
SP-142IL Dark Green
SP-142IL Dark Green
SP-142IL Dark Green
SP-142IL Dark Green
SP-142IL Dark Green


SP-142IL Dark Green

Sale price₱11,500.00

*Please read the IMPORTANT INFORMATION carefully before adding to the cart.

備後地方の伝統織物「備後絣(びんごかすり)」から派生した生地ブランド「備後節織」を使用したローカット。 ポコポコとしたネップ(節)があるのが特徴で、ゆっくり丁寧に織ることで空気を含んだような柔らかさと温かみある素朴な風合いが持ち味。 織元は現在国内に2社のみで、手仕事の工程が多いため生産量が限られた大変希少な生地を使用しています。 さらりとした肌触りで吸湿性・通気性に優れ、夏は涼しく冬はあたたかく感じられます。 使い込むほどに、よりソフトな風合いへと経年変化も楽しめます。シュータンには備後節織のネーム入り。
※オンラインショップ限定での販売となります。 ※後日、全国の取扱店舗でも販売される場合があります。


Exchange and Return Policy

Please note that exchanges are not accepted for international orders. If you would like an exchange, please return your order and place a new order for the item(s) you want.

Please refer to this page for information regarding returns.

Exchange and Return Policy

Please note that exchanges are not accepted for international orders. If you would like an exchange, please return your order and place a new order for the item(s) you want.

Please refer to this page for information regarding returns.

Secure Payment

About payment

  • credit card
  • apple pay
  • google pay

Available credit cards

  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • American Express

Secure Payment

About payment

  • credit card
  • apple pay
  • google pay

Available credit cards

  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • American Express

Tariffs and Consumption Taxes

Customs duties and other taxes are set by the customs authorities of the country or region where the goods were purchased and are based on the country of manufacture of the goods. The amount of customs duty is determined by the classification of the goods. The amount paid at the time of purchase in this store does not include customs duties or other taxes. Customs duties may be incurred at the time of delivery. Please contact the relevant tax authorities in your country for more information.

Tariffs and Consumption Taxes

Customs duties and other taxes are set by the customs authorities of the country or region where the goods were purchased and are based on the country of manufacture of the goods. The amount of customs duty is determined by the classification of the goods. The amount paid at the time of purchase in this store does not include customs duties or other taxes. Customs duties may be incurred at the time of delivery. Please contact the relevant tax authorities in your country for more information.